Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I got my cards!!

I ordered some business cards to hand out with my missions trip that has my email, blog, and fundraising website on it. Today I received them in the mail. :)

I'll put a photo of the box of them later on. :D

God also provided $30.90, as I've said earlier, but it finally came in the mail yesterday. :) I also have $6 more from that website since Monday. And that check will come in on or before the 21st of April.

Also, please continue to pray that God will make known to me his will regarding this trip. In every aspect of the trip, beyond just going there.

I plan on having my first fundraising event this Saturday. :D I'm going to sell those duct tape wallets at a local flea market. Also, I will hand out those business cards and perhaps sell a few other things(concession type things, and an origami kit).
Pray people will buy my wallets and donate for this trip.

Thanks. :D


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