Friday, March 25, 2011

First Fundraising Event: Flea Market

Tomorrow beginning approximately at 6:30am, I'm going to have my first fundraising event for my trip to Ethiopia.

I'm going to sell baked goods (Mint Choco chip brownies, rice krispie treats, and muffins for the early am marketers.) And I am going to sell duct tape wallets. Ethiopian flag colored ones, green ones, and red ones.

I also am going to set up a donation jar for donations for the trip as well as hand out my business cards.

Please pray that God will bless the day. It is supposed to rain around lunch time, pray God holds it off until then or longer. Pray that I chose the right artistic craft to sell.

Also as a note of praise, God has provided some more money for my trip. :)

I'll give an update of what God does tomorrow when I get back. :)

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