Sunday, January 1, 2012


It's finally here, and it's all surreal. I'm taking a trip halfway around the world, following the calling of God. I'm nothing special; I've had my screw ups. I don't have formal training for anything of what I'm doing over there. But, God equips the called. And it's not what I can do, but what I allow God to do through me and in me.

It may be cliche to say this to any missionaries(~2week, short-term, or full-term ones), but it feels really all of a sudden. It's like...for a year I've been in the mind set of in the semi-distant future I'm going to Ethiopia. But it isn't the distant future anymore. It's isn't a week from now. It's tomorrow. In 24 hours I'll be in the airport holding on to my two carry-ons waiting to board my flight. 24 hours!

(Lol. I began this at around 3pm. It is now it's less than 24 hours now. :) )

I'm excited for the experience of everything. The trip there(First time I've flown alone, let alone alone out of the country.); the living in a different culture, environment, thought-processes; the opportunity to serve God in an area I at least have a little knowledge.

It's going to be an experience. And I hope I don't miss a lesson. Perhaps I should write and record everything so when I get home I can read it all and watch it all and learn lessons I might have missed in the moment.

God is good. And God is powerful. It's amazing at what He has done to prepare this way and enable my steps.

Thank you for your prayers, support, and love. I hope that God doesn't just work in my life through all this, but that something somewhere in someway touches your heart to, to make you a better Christian.

Smile Before You Go Crazy,

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