Thursday, April 28, 2011


This is mainly a "service announcement" to those who live near me.

I am hosting a yard sale at my house in late May or Mid-June. All proceeds will go to my missions trip to Ethiopia.

I would like to ask you to donate items for this yard sale. Spring cleaning perhaps has left you with boxes of knick-knacks and other space-consuming items, or maybe you have collected stuff over the years and haven't used them, or maybe you have clothes that your children have outgrown. Well, consider donating them to my yard sale. I will be accepting donations until the day of the yard sale.

Assuming those who read this that are near me would be those that attend my church, if you have items you want to donate then just come see me at church.

Thanks for your consideration and prayers.


It's been a while...

Well, I tend to find myself preferring to clump things together unless they stand out from the rest(that is, if it would be of interest to others to have those stand-out things have their own entries...)

Anyhow... I went to the flea market last Saturday. I hadn't been there since the first time. A lot of stuff seems to be happening on Saturdays that take me away from flea marketing(and other things. :/ ) But that's life?

Well, at the flea market, we spent about 3 hours selling stuff(We actually brought some books we kept in our sheds for a while; along with some baked goods and my wallets.) (I had a piano recital, and it had been raining in the early morning, or else I'd probably have stayed longer.)

From that experience, I received about $45. ($3 of which came from my first wallet sale. I decided to throw out random numbers between 3-5 until I snagged a customer. =P )

Then I received $46 from someone from my church.

Then I received some money from a fellow person who went to Ethiopia(not with BCI).

OK, I have an announcement, but I want to separate them. Hmm, I actually have two. So, I'll post one here and then the next one in a separate entry.

In my first couple of entries I told you guys I was going to Bill Rice Ranch during the month of July for an opportunity to work there among deaf people.

Well, just recently God seems to have opened another door. If all works out, I'm thinking I will be serving as a volunteer/intern for one month(July) at Silent Word Ministries in Trenton, GA. It is also a deaf ministry, but with this I will be able to help with computer related stuff.

They are converting from some word processing system to Open Office. I am familiar with Open Office(I used it for everything). So I would be working with that, probably primarily since it is apparently very time consuming.

I also might be able to work with video editing. Recently I have become interested in videography, and this would give me a learning experience for it. (My dad is savvy with video stuff, so he can teach me the basics so I can work there without having to be trained by them.)

It sounds like a really cool and great opportunity, and I think I'm going to walk through that door until God closes it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Praise the Lord, Again. :D

So, interesting story. I was in the car, waiting in the nice weather for my dad and brother to get out of school. During that time two things happened. The first:
I received, through a round about way and not really sure if I should go in detail, $100. And then about $45 from other sources.
So, in one day God provided $145. :)

And the next part:
Well, when Dad pulled into the parking lot after going to McDonalds to get him something to eat and me something to drink, he parked in the shade on the opposite side of the lot he usually parks at.
Well, the car next to us had a bumper sticker for a Christian radio station.

Eventually as I sat there alone God nudged me to place one of my business cards on her windshield.

I kind of fought it off, but began to plan out how to go about doing it. I decided I would write a letter explaining myself a little bit and that I figured she was a Christian and would pray for my missions trip.

Well, I finally went to the back of the car, got out a notebook, and began to jot down a letter. I then realized I didn't have a paperclip, so I begin looking around for something. Inside my dad's bookbag was a pad of post-it notes.

I got on, tore it in half (width wise) and attached my card to the letter(folded like a business letter). How I attached it was I folded a portion of it over the side of the letter and then connected the bottom of the sticky note to the paper, and then sort of folding the non-sticky part under the card as a pocket.

I went to the windshield and attached it.

As the time went on the wind blew hard. Really hard. I figured if God wanted me to put it on there, then he will protect it from the wind. I felt like Miriam and her mother putting Moses in the water. lol.

I eventually chided myself that constantly looking at it when a gust of wind blew was not trusting but was worrying. So I reclined and closed my eyes. (I was trying to take a nap in the nice weather.)

Well, I sat up a few minutes later and looked at the car and noticed the card was missing from the letter. I sighed and reclined again, figuring God didn't want the card attached.

I looked back again and noticed a little blue piece of paper attached to the tip of the hood. Upon closer inspection through my rear view mirror, I realized the folded portion of the post-it note was attached on the outside of the hood and the card was safe just inside the top of the hood.

The wind continued to blow, but the card stayed in place and the letter just rustled.

Eventually the lady who owned the car came to her vehicle and entered. She closed the door for only a short while before opening it again to get the letter off the wipers. (I'm reclining so I wouldn't look like a stalker).

I then heard her close the door again, start the engine, and then idle. I assumed she was reading the letter. A few minutes passed and she cut the engine and left her car and started for a campus college a parking lot up.(It houses the library, a couple of stories of classrooms, and the gym.)

I don't know where she went, but I doubt she just went to her car, turned it on for a few and then turned it off to enter the building as part of her routine.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

God Answers prayers. :D

Ok, so Saturday I went to help my sister host a yard sale around where she lives to earn money for her trip to Ethiopia. She had never done one of these, so she wasn't sure how it would turn out. She said she thought if you made it out with a few hundred dollars that you made it good.
She asked for donations from her church and others for things to sell. A lot of things were donated(A WHOLE LOT OF CLOTHES!) and a lot was sold.

My sister, Jasmine(The one not going to Ethiopia), said she was praying for $1000 profit. (So was another friend of theirs.)

I, too, prayed that day when I heard about that goal. And I am pretty sure each of us expected God to answer it. Perhaps even to the point where we could thank him beforehand for answering it.

Well, we started the yard sale around 6am and stopped(probably mainly due to the wind) around 2pm. (The wind was blowing everything down, we had to tie the clothes rack to the awning frame. lol)

By the end of the day we made it out with over $1100(Perhaps closer to $1300 once a few other items are paid for).

It was a great(and fun :D ) day. God showed up and blessed. He showed himself awe-some and amazing. (Goosebumps).
