It's been a long pre-journey. I began to consider going on this missions trip probably January or February of this year. Maybe sooner. It started out slow. I had no idea if this was what God really wanted or another one of my "mission ideas" that never happened. But as the months passed it was clearer. Everybody I looked up to was in support of it; God began providing money; and I got a clearer concept of my mission.
Two 2-day yard sales, one spaghetti supper, and several trips to the flea market later and I'm just right on the verge of having my financial requirements met. I'm waiting on a check from Papa John's (HEY! They're doing a benefit day today, Dec. 1. 30% of all online orders through the Kings Mountain branch will go toward my trip costs). Once I get that check, I will be able to pay the remainder and be set.
God has showed me a few specific things He wants me to do already. The major one, obviously, is teaching sign language to Fekerite, a deaf girl in the BCI Academy. I will also be teaching her biological brother as well as her foster mom and family. And when possible, I'll be teaching the staff sign language so they can communicate with Fekerite while I'm away.
It was definitely encouraging to hear that they are excited for me to come to teach them. :)
In addition to sign language, I will be teaching basic music theory. God has gifted me with the ability to play the piano and the opportunities to take piano lessons from at least two people. I will be able to take those things and in turn teach the children there basic music theory. Obviously I won't teach them much, but I'll teach them what I can and as much as much as I can teach and as much as they can learn.
In addition to sign language, I will be teaching basic music theory. God has gifted me with the ability to play the piano and the opportunities to take piano lessons from at least two people. I will be able to take those things and in turn teach the children there basic music theory. Obviously I won't teach them much, but I'll teach them what I can and as much as much as I can teach and as much as they can learn.
With that, I hope to bring a portable, roll-up piano with me. It is a good tool to have while teaching and for them to maintain the music education. In addition to the piano, I'm hoping to drop-ship a box of recorders/flutaphones for them to use as well.
The third and final thing that God has directed me to do beforehand is to help in a Bible Club.
I can't wait to go. :)
It has sneaked up on me. I'm so used to thinking and saying "I'm going to be going on a missions trip." Now it's "I'm going on a missions trip." Before I know it, I'm going to be saying "I'm on a missions trip."
I can't wait to see God work. In my life and the lives of those over there. I can't wait to see God in the faces of those who aren't caught up in the meaninglessness routine of TV or the internet or fashion or society. I can't wait to learn the lessons that wait for me in the lives of each person God brings to my path, or me to their paths.
It's an amazing feeling. Not because of what I'm doing, or who I am, or what I am. But because of God.
God has provided most of my financial needs directly. The 2 yard sales covered about 1/2. The dinner covered about 1/6. Everything else came from donations.
This trip is all God. Sure I have "abilities" to offer, but they were all given to me and nurtured by God. It's amazing to see how he's 100% supportive of this trip. Even before I knew about going.
I can't wait to go learn and teach, minister and be ministered to, love and be loved, encourage and be encouraged. I can't wait for the nights I stare at this blog, unable to express the amazingness of the God I serve.
I'm not naive to the inevitable struggles that are to come. I'm doing something for God, of course there will be road bumps. Of course I will have things go wrong. Of course Satan will try to derail my efforts. But I have a God who is greater than the god of this world. I have a Father who will only let things happen to my benefit and growth. I have a Friend who will be closer to me than I am to me.
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts our fear.
If I am to do this, I am to do it in love. And with love as my purpose and driving force, there can be no fear because it will be cast aside.
So, I will focus on the positive and excite myself about God. About all that he will do on this trip.
In Christ Alone,
Amen! This is so exciting. I can't wait to hear what God does through you and to you and for you during this trip.