Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Finally, an Update!

So, a month in and I have yet to actually post an update of living in Ethiopia. I unfortunately am on a public computer, so I will not be able to post any photos, but I should "soon" enough. Yet, unfortunately for you, this isn't much of an update. As I am on a public computer and don't have full mind to update adequately.

I haven't updated anything mainly because I am still in the transition phase--which I should be out of come next week. I begin language school next week, though I attempted to begin it early this week (didn't happen). So, now I wait. I am excited to learn the language and be able to communicate a little better. I obviously won't be close to fluent, but I will be able to get around a little better.

During my month transition, I have been doing a lot of reading and a lot of thinking. Hence the two prior (and one eventual) posts dealing more with thought than Ethiopian updates. However, these were important things I have learned, and the following post might be the most important of the three. (But you have to wait in suspense until I can get on WiFi to post it--I didn't bring a flash drive.)

I begin my work with BCI after language school and am anxious to see all my kiddoes that I left last time. I look forward to learning what I will from the experience and to see what God has in store for me after those 6 months. I don't know the future unknown, but I trust in the God who is Eternal.

As for my travels to Addis--crazy and a lot of people.

As for my interaction with my new family-- randomly teaching Spanish and learning Amharic.

As for my help in Sunday School-- we have begun a lesson series on the Life of Christ.

I hope to update more thoroughly when events come.

Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your thoughts.

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