Sometimes we take a road to change the life of someone else. Sometimes someone else changes our life when we weren't expecting it. Sometimes God gives us opportunities to show His love to people someone else can not. Sometimes we mess that up and get caught up in our own plans. Sometimes we get second chances.
God is leading me to Ethiopia. He is urging me to love with deeper passion. There are 91 million people living in Ethiopia, Africa. I will never be able to meet each one of them. I will never be able to make any type of impact for even one one-hundredth of them. But that is not my goal. There is a story about a boy on a beach with washed up starfish. As he walks along, he picks up one every so often and throws it back into the ocean. He realizes he cannot help all of them, but he can make a difference to the ones he throws back into the ocean. I cannot help everyone. I am not their messiah. I can, however, make a difference for the few that God will lead me to. I can be that person to show them who their Messiah is.
God has been opening my heart for this missions to Ethiopia ever since I returned in 2012. I didn't know how much love God would enable me to feel for these people, but each day my heart burns within me to be back and to show them the way to Jesus. I feel their sorrows when they feel scared and sad. I feel their pain when they lose hope and love. I can't bear to see precious children grow to a hopeless future. I want to share with them the hope that is found in the grace of Christ.
So I follow God to Ethiopia and I will live there for two years. I will be serving with an organization called Blessing the Children International. They work with orphans and widows and desire for them to know Christ. They have an academy where they educate with a high level of quality. They have a sponsorship program where they provide food, education and supplies, and healthcare. They also function with five local churches in the Debre Zeyit community where national pastors and congregations minister together to spread the love of God and the gospel of Christ.
I plan on leaving sometime during the month of September 2014 to join the work God is already doing in Ethiopia. I will be teaching a Sunday School class and will be teaching a computer usage class at the Academy. Beyond those two points, I leave any more details up to God. I know I will be building relationships with people so that I can be the salt and light God has called me to be.
But I cannot go without your help. I would like to request two things from you. First, I would appreciate your prayers. When you think about me or think about children knowing more about God, please offer a prayer that God will work through me to bring hope to children in Ethiopia. Second, I would appreciate any donations you might give to my mission. I will be living in Ethiopia for two years without any sort of job and will be paying a monthly living fee. Above that, there are a few administration fees here in the States plus the airfare to and from Ethiopia. Please consider your part in my ministry as God works in your heart to give. You mustn't give extravagantly, but please listen to any urging that the Spirit is working within your heart.
With any donation, you will become part of my mission team. You will receive newsletters which will inform you of what is happening in Ethiopia and you will be able to see where your money is going. In each newsletter there will be highlighted things for you to pray with me about. You will not regret donating because it is more than just giving dollars, it is giving love and hope. Children across the world can know that you gave even when you didn't know them so that I can go and tell them about God's grace.
If you would like for your donation to be tax deductible, then please write your check out to “Blessing the Children International,” with the memo line “Kevin Barrick Mission Trip.” You may mail any donation directly to me at my postal address (Just email me for it), or if you would rather, you can send it straight to Blessing the Children International.
I would like to add each of my donors to an email correspondence list, so if you would like to be on that list, please mail your check directly to me with an additional paper with your email address.
If you cannot donate to my mission, but instead desire to be part of my team by prayer and still want an email correspondence of God's work in Ethiopia, then please email me your contact information so that I can add you to the correspondence list.
Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your giving. Thank you for your love. May God bless you for your faithfulness.
Kevin Barrick
Blessing the Children International
2267 Fraser Road - Kawkawlin, MI 48631-9145
James 1:27
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
Contributions to Blessing the Children International are generally considered tax deductible;
however, in accordance with IRS regulations, these designated offerings are subject to the
governing board's control and discretion. When contributions for a particular individual exceed
trip/support expenses, or if that volunteer is unable to participate on the trip, the governing board
may redirect contributions to another activity within Blessing the Children International's mission
program. If you are uncertain whether your donation qualifies for a tax deduction, please contact
your tax consultant. Blessing the Children International is an approved 501(c)3 nonprofit.
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